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“Without F4J I might never have seen my son again.”
Ben A, Dad, Manchester

The UK’s leading Fathers’ Rights Advocates

Fathers4Justice (F4J) is the UK’s leading fathers’ rights and shared parenting campaign group with over 20-years experience providing expert help, support and advice for thousands of fathers, grandparents and other family members going through the family courts, as well as winning shared and sole residency for countless dads. We are fathers who have been through the system and won.

If you’ve got a problem seeing your children, we can help.

How we can help you

  • There are no quick answers or easy solutions, but we understand how process works and we can move your case forward.
  • We will help you talk things through and explore your options.
  • We will give you independent, confidential advice on your case.
  • We will help you save thousands in solicitor’s costs.
  • We offer expert advice on the following areas: Fathers’ Rights; Coronavirus COVID-19; Mediation; Parenting Plans; Parental Alienation; Child Arrangement Orders; Liaising with Social Services, Cafcass and Family Court Advisors; Shared Residency; Prohibited Steps Orders; False Allegations; Court Hearings; Finding Of Fact Hearings; Appeals; McKenzie Friend Service; Advocacy; Abduction & Emergency Child Recovery; Leave To Remove Cases; Police Involvement; Multi-Faith Cases; Rights of Audience; Management of Contact Handovers; International Cases across different jurisdictions.

Choose the level of support you need

We offer various levels of support to suit your needs and finances, from our telephone support, to full case management including court and telephone support. All support is subject to our terms & conditions (see end of leaflet).

Choose which plan suits your needs:


Got a problem seeing your kids? Book your confidential telephone consultation with one of our experienced caseworkers who will give you expert help, support, and advice on your case, and advise you on next steps, without paying solicitors fees. Terms & Conditions apply. Consultations last between 30-60 minutes. Book your Telephone Consultation here.

PLAN 2) CASE REVIEW £1595 + VAT (fixed fee)

Is your case in difficulty and needs reviewing? If your case has been ongoing for some time, you may need a Fathers4Justice caseworker to review your case. With unrivalled, expert knowledge of the family justice system, they will conduct a detailed assessment of your case, including reviewing all court orders, reports and documents, and provide a written summary and action list without paying solicitors fees. Terms & Conditions apply. Book your Case Assessment here.

PLAN 3) CASE MANAGEMENT £2995 + VAT (fixed fee)

Is your case in difficulty and needs managing? You may need a Fathers4Justice caseworker to manage your case. With unrivalled, expert knowledge of the family justice system, they will review and manage your case, draft your court applications, position statements etc, and advise on dealing with the Court, Cafcass, and Solicitors, and prepare you up to your next court hearing with expert advice and support without paying solicitors fees. Additional help and support after this stage is extra and subject to availability. Terms & Conditions apply. Book your Case Management plan here.


In person court support with one of our experienced advocates, quoted on a case by case basis, subject to availability, court location etc. Remote support also available. Only available as part of a Plan 3) package. Please speak to your caseworker about this. Terms & Conditions apply. Book your Case Management Plus plan here.


Do you want the personal support of Britain’s leading fathers’ rights advocate?

Matt O’Connor founded Fathers4Justice in 2001. An early supporter of F4J was Sir Bob Geldof. In 2005 Matt was named GQ Magazine’s 7th Top Communicator in the UK, GQ Magazine’s 92nd Most Powerful Man in Britain, Esquire Magazine’s 35th Most Powerful Man in Britain Under 50 and one of twenty people shortlisted for the Royal Society’s Great Briton of the Year Awards. In 2007 he published his first book “Fathers4Justice: The Inside Story” through the Orion Publishing Group and sold the motion picture rights to his life story to Walt Disney.

Fathers4Justice has received over a million enquiries for help since its formation and is the UK’s largest shared parenting campaign group with over 100,000 registered families in the UK. Matt’s knowledge of the family justice system is unrivalled, and he has availability to manage a small number of cases every year.

Matt has advised many high profile clients including Irish rock star Van Morrison; celebrity chef Daniel Clifford; JLS star Oritsé Williams; George Galloway MP; and Indian Billionaire Bhanu Choudhrie. He has also been involved in a number of other high profile child access cases involving actress Kate Winslet, pop star Madonna, Game of Thrones actress Lena Headey, Joanne Beckham (David Beckham’s sister), footballer Jamie O’Hara, Myleene Klass, Katie Price, and Kerry Katona. He has also met and lobbied Prime Ministers Boris Johnson, David Cameron, and Theresa May, and politicians Iain Duncan Smith, Nigel Farage, Nick Clegg, George Galloway, Ann Widdecombe and Bill Cash.

Said GQ Magazine, “Captain of Dad’s Army, O’Connor’s methods have kick-started the debate about fathers’ rights in the UK.”

If you would like to enquire about his availability please email [email protected]

See Matt’s LinkedIn Profile here:

Book your Case Management Plus with Matt O’Connor plan here.


Save £1000s by using Fathers4Justice

We want your case to be resolved as quickly, economically, and successfully as possible, yet too many dads are left with unaffordable solicitor’s bills and huge debts, with little or nothing to show at the end of the process. By using Fathers4Justice not only will you receive independent, meaningful support that goes over and beyond normal legal advice, but you will save thousands in legal costs. You can reduce your costs with F4J by avoiding unnecessary communications and following our advice at all times.

Solicitors: Average case spend £15,000 – £30,000
Fathers4Justice: Average case spend £295 – £3,000

Meet The Team

Fathers4Justice is run by Matt O’Connor and a hard-working casework team of experienced advocates and paralegals who have helped reunite thousands of children and fathers since 2001.

Matt founded Fathers4Justice in 2001 after experiencing contact problems seeing his two older boys, which led him to create one of the UK’s highest profile campaigns. Matt has over 20-years unrivalled knowledge and experience of the family justice system and has an established track record in successfully reuniting children and fathers, as well as dealing with many high-profile and celebrity cases.

Fathers4Justice are regularly given rights of audience in court to assist litigants in person, and are regarded as highly effective advocates who have taken on many of the UK’s largest legal firms and won. Matt is also a regular speaker in the media and public events, and at schools and universities across the UK where Fathers4Justice is included on the National Curriculum.

“Your help during a trying time was priceless. Thank you again.”
Kevin Adams, Dad & TV Presenter

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a free service or helpline I can use?

Because we are in court most days, and because of limited resources and the high volume of enquiries we receive, all emails are responded to by way of an automatic email detailing our services. Regrettably we are unable to respond to all individual enquiries. F4J is also not a charity and receives no government funding. We rely entirely on your donations to fund our campaign. However, our long-term aim is to secure funding for a 24/7 free lifeline and help service within the next few years.

What sort of advice do I receive?

We provide personal support and advice based on our unrivalled experience of the family justice system over the last 18 years. We are fathers who have been through the system and won. Whilst there are no easy solutions, our unrivaled track record is one of successfully assisting fathers, grandparents and other relatives re-establish relationships with their children and grandchildren.

Can I speak to somebody about getting quick advice?

There are no quick, easy solutions to family law cases. We offer telephone consultations and detailed assessments of your case by experienced caseworkers who will review the information provided and give you informed advice.

Are there any useful tips before I start my case?

Knowledge is power. Use as your one-stop library for information on how to represent yourself in court with our support.

What are the common pitfalls?

Most fathers – us included – have learnt the hard way. Do not take the advice of solicitors at face value. They will omit to tell you that the family justice system is broken and that up to 50% of court orders are flouted with impunity. Only Fathers4Justice can give you independent advice on the legal system and how to win your case.

Can you help with multi-faith cases?

There has been a significant increase in the number of multi-faith cases in recent years. In addition to work with parents from a variety of religious and cultural backgrounds, we have extensive experience in cases involving Muslim fathers experiencing contact problems. If you need help with your case email [email protected]

Can you help with international cases?

We have extensive experience working on international cases in different jurisdictions around the world. If you need help with an international case email [email protected]

My child has been taken to another part of the UK, what can I do?

If you fear your child may be removed from their home to another part of the UK, or aboard, please contact us immediately at [email protected] so we can advise on how to prevent this. If your child has recently been relocated to another part of the UK without your consent and there are no children’s proceedings, we can assist in the lawful recovery of the child provided you have Parental Responsibility. This is subject to an assessment of your case and the length of time the child has been relocated. Fathers4Justice have successfully advised fathers in the recovery of their children in emergency cases where the child has been removed and we have secured Residency Orders for these children. We also advise on how to manage the Police and authorities in these instances. For further information and costs, email [email protected]

Should I use a solicitor and how do your costs compare?

Firstly, we do not recommend the use of solicitors in children’s proceedings. Solicitors do not generally support parental equality for fathers or shared parenting and often fail to disclose the reality of our broken, dysfunctional court system to dads. Many are left to rack up unaffordable legal bills with little or nothing to show at the end of the process.

Secondly, solicitors represent both mums and dads – denying fathers access to their kids in some cases – whilst exploiting vulnerable fathers desperate to see their children in others. In effect, solicitors are both ‘gamekeeper’ and ‘poacher’. Thirdly, solicitors are part of the legal system and have a vested commercial interest in long, protracted, transactional legal cases and have little empathy with separated fathers. Too often, F4J is left to pick up the broken pieces of cases managed by solicitors.

F4J offers an independent service based on the experience of thousands of fathers and other relatives who have been through the family justice system since our foundation in 2001. We tell you as it is, not how the government and family lawyers would like you to believe it is. Our costs are a fraction of those charged by solicitors, which in an average case are between £20-£30,000. We want your case to be resolved as quickly, economically and successfully as possible.

“At F4J I got the best advice anyone could give.”
Stephen C, Dad, Peterborough

Fathers' Rights Campaigners - Fathers4Justice

What does Fathers4Justice campaign for?

We campaign for fathers’ rights including automatic parental responsibility for dads and a legal presumption of 50/50 shared parenting and child support rights. F4J is also campaigning to criminalise Contact Denial and Parental Alienation through our #ArchiesLaw initiative.

To find out more about Fathers4Justice follow us on social media:

About Fathers4Justice

Fathers4Justice is the UK’s largest shared parenting campaign group with over 100,000 registered families. F4J is also the third highest supported campaign group in the UK after Greenpeace and Amnesty International. Since 2001 we have received over 750,000 enquiries for help – that equates to one enquiry every 15 minutes. In 2013, Fathers4Justice Early Day Motion 210, which backed shared parenting rights for dads, won the support of 104 MPs from all parties. In 2017, the F4J “Forgotten Fathers” campaign in Scotland won cross-party support from MSPs in the Scottish Parliament. F4J also campaigns on related men’s health issues, including the male suicide epidemic and for male victims of domestic abuse through the #SOSManDown campaign. F4J has also have been involved in a number of high-profile celebrity cases.

What the media say about Fathers4Justice

“The most spectacular protest movement of modern times.”
The Independent

“…when historians look back on British Society at the start of the third millennium they will accord an important chapter to the men in tights.”
The Times Newspaper

“Matt O’Connor and Fathers4Justice displayed great humour, eccentricity and innovation in raising awareness of a very serious social issue.”
The Royal Society, Great Briton of the Year Awards, 2005

“The captain of Dad’s Army. O’Connor and Fathers4Justice have taken communication to a new level.”
GQ Magazine’s 7th Top Communicator in the UK, 2005

“Mastermind of some of the biggest political stunts of recent years.”
Esquire Magazine, 2005

“The most redoubtable campaigners in the land.”
George Galloway

“Shared parenting is responsible parenting which is why I back Fathers4Justice.”
Nigel Farage

“The bureaucracy of divorce is blind to dad. Fathers4Justice is restoring its vision. They are one of the most important change agents on male issues.”
Dr Warren Farrell, Author

“Fathers4Justice are heroes – not superheroes – but super, heroic men.”
John Waters, Author, Journalist & Father

 “…fiercely intelligent, charmingly foul-mouthed and a fantastic turn of phrase. Few could equal F4J founder Matt O’Connor when it comes to taking a conversational thread, yanking, unravelling and generally running with it.”
Will Self, Author & Journalist, GQ Magazine

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