Right of fathers to see children after break-up to be enshrined in law
The decision is likely to be welcomed by fathers groups, including Fathers for Justice who have launched high-profile protests such as scaling the roof of Buckingham Palace, in an attempt to draw attention to the perceived unfairness of the system. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/9656507/Right-of-fathers-to-see-children-after-break-up-to-be-enshrined-in-law.html
Daily Mail: Access law change means children will have right to see both parents
Nadine O’Connor of the campaign group Fathers4Justice said: ‘The proposals are a fraud and no father should think this will give them any rights in law to see their children. This is licence for more litigation, not less.’ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2228410/Access-law-change-means-children-legal-right-parents-divorce.html
Fathers4Justice Feature in New Sun Newspaper National TV Ad
Fathers4Justice is the only organisation to appear in a new national advertising campaign for The Sun newspaper with the hashtag #F4JRightOrWrong? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBT1QQpDLo0&feature=plcp
Fathers4Justice Anger Over ‘Sexist’ Play Centre Ban
http://www.birminghammail.net/news/top-stories/2012/08/08/fathers-4-justice-anger-over-sexist-play-centre-ban-97319-31570124/#ixzz22w8dGyDy http://www.sundaymercury.net/news/midlands-news/2012/08/12/mum-honoured-by-queen-hits-out-at-ban-on-dads-at-kids-go-wild-play-centre-66331-31603711/
Fathers4Justice Ad Banned – why?
Fathers4Justice Rapped by ASA
Fathers4Justice Advert Gets Banned
Mothers Beat Fathers Group in Ad Dispute
Fathers4Justice Wrapped Over Advert
http://www.google.com/hostednews/ukpress/article/ALeqM5geK3NKc7FDZTHWz1hYZmpPC7OAvA?docId=N0263991341335860382A http://news.uk.msn.com/uk/articles.aspx?cp-documentid=250461486
The No.1 news story on the Guardian Media Page: Fathers4Justice Advert Banned By ASA