F4J say violence against men ‘is ignored’ ahead of International Men’s Day
Britain does not take domestic violence against men seriously, campaigners allege. The story has been featured on Sky News and in the Sunday Express. Fathers4Justice say “truly horrifying” research has exposed a lack of refuges for men and too few schemes to tackle male suicide. F4J contacted more than 400 councils. Just five so far […]
F4J campaign is the ‘Big Picture’ in Third Sector Magazine
The Fathers4Justice #SOSManDown campaign was the ‘Big Picture’ in the January/February edition of Third Sector magazine this year. This is what they said about the campaign: The campaign group Fathers4Justice staged a series of stunts about the high rates of suicide, alcoholism and what it called ‘“fatherlessness” suffered by men over the winer months. The […]
Abused husband rigged camera to film wife BEATING him because he feared police wouldn’t believe he was a battered husband
An abused dad set up a spy camera in his own home to film his drunken wife beating him up because he feared police would never believe he was a battered husband. Neil Tweedy, 45, had secretly endured over a decade of physical abuse at the hands of his school teacher spouse Helen. The assaults […]
‘Deplorable’ Dads Fight Back
For too long men have been the ‘deplorables’ of British democracy, whipping boys for our political elite who have denigrated them for cheap political capital, whilst sucking up to the Mumsnet lobby. Ian Duncan-Smith once told me that fathers and men’s issues had become a ‘political taboo’ amongst politicians desperate to appeal to who they […]