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December 7th, 2014

Promoting injustice, inequality and abuse: The Coram Children’s Legal Centre & NSPCC

There can be few more depressing sights than a charity proclaiming to act on behalf of children, whilst doing it’s damndest to deprive them of their most basic of human rights – their right to a father. That’s been the role of Coram Children’s Legal Centre (CCLC), an organisation, supported by Cherie Blair, that appears to […]

November 26th, 2014

#CameronMustGo Prime Minister faces allegations he had secret affair with aide

Fathers4Justice can today report that David Cameron faces allegations that he had an affair with a member of his personal staff. The story is an open secret in Westminster and in the media, but as yet the story hasn’t been reported, no doubt because of the serious implications this would have in the run up […]

November 16th, 2014

The Tories betrayal of Britain’s fathers continues – By Matt O’Connor

The Parental Involvement Provision: Section 11 of the Children and Families Act 2014 has recently come into force and a few supporters have approached us about this provision thinking it infers fathers greater rights. It does not.The legislation does not mention the ‘F’ word ‘fathers’ once. It does not recognise fathers in law nor provide […]

November 5th, 2014

Fathers4Justice condemn new child maintenance powers

Campaign group Fathers4Justice (F4J) today condemned government plans to introduce tough new child maintenance powers, saying there were self-defeating and would drive thousands of fathers and their children deeper into poverty.Under the plans being introduced today by Child Maintenance Minister, Steve Webb MP, the Child Maintenance service will be will be able to share information […]

November 3rd, 2014

Fathers4Justice launch their Shared Parenting Election Briefing Paper for MPs & Political Parties.

A little over a year ago, Fathers4Justice had virtually NO parliamentary support for Shared Parenting. Now, with the help of George Galloway MP and others, EDM 210 has secured the support of 104 MPs from all parties including David Blunkett (Lab), Frank Field (Lab), David Lammy (Lab), Caroline Lucas (Green Party), John Hemming (Lib Dem), […]

October 9th, 2014

Independent Article Rebuttal “Fathers4Justice in court accused of neglecting their campaigns in favour of increasingly personal attacks” – Formal Response by Matt & Nadine O’Connor

  In April 2013, a dispute arose between Fathers4Justice, Matt & Nadine O’Connor and Adrian Yalland which resulted in legal actions on all sides. The parties have now agreed to seek to resolve the matters amicably, and as such the dispute has been resolved. The following is a rebuttal of today’s Independent article about Matt […]

October 1st, 2014


30/9/14 – As Fathers4Justice continues to build a consensus of political support for Shared Parenting – from George Galloway MP, to 104 MPs in the Labour, Lib Dem & Green Parties – UKIP Deputy Chair Suzanne Evans met with Fathers4Justice Founder Matt O’Connor to discuss her party’s commitments to shared parenting.

September 29th, 2014


Nadine O’Connor, Campaign Director for Fathers4Justice, has welcomed today’s announcement by Ukip that the party were supporting a presumption of 50/50 shared parenting and visiting rights for grandparents. Both Nadine and F4J Founder Matt O’Connor, had met with Ukip leader Nigel Farage and Ukip Policy Director Tim Aker to discuss shared parenting and the issue […]

July 28th, 2014

Hampshire Police Confirm Caroline Nokes MP Involved in Violent Attack on Home of Founder of Fathers4Justice

Hampshire Police have confirmed that Caroline Nokes MP was involved in a violent attack on the home of the founder of Fathers4Justice on 20th February 2014. Police said that the MP “…was treated as a witness by the police to the incident on 20th February.” A letter from the CPS also confirmed the presence of […]

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