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April 25th, 2017

Why Parental Alienation IS child abuse

By Matt O’Connor, Founder, Fathers4Justice Parental alienation (PA) is an increasing and worrying feature in many cases we manage. It involves a child irrationally rejecting one parent (normally the father) after parental separation, without legitimate reason, and is characterised by extreme withdrawal or contempt. Children are alienated through the abusive conduct of the primary carer […]

December 18th, 2016

Fathers4Justice warn Cafcass of legal action over false allegations

Monday 19th December 2016 Anthony Douglas Chief Executive Officer Cafcass National Office 3rd Floor 21 Bloomsbury Street London WC1B 3HF BY EMAIL TO: Anthony.Douglas@CAFCASS.GSI.GOV.UK LETTER BEFORE ACTION: SLANDER OF FATHERS4JUSTICE BY CAFCASS AT A SPIP COURSE Dear Mr Douglas, We have recently been informed that representatives of Cafcass have made slanderous allegations about Fathers4Justice (F4J) […]

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