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April 2nd, 2019

Dad’s in Royal Baby Protest at Madame Tussauds

Dad’s from campaign group Fathers4Justice (F4J) have staged a protest at Madame Tussauds over the plight of 1 million Grandparents denied access to their Grandchildren ahead of the imminent birth of a Royal Baby to Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.

Dad’s wearing Thomas Markle masks stickered waxworks of the Royal couple with stickers that read “GrandFathers4Justice”, “Don’t be a Dummy Mummy! Kids need their Grandparents”, and “Don’t be a Tom, Dick or Harry! Kid’s need their Dad’s”.

They then taped themselves to the dummies using “fragile” tape.

The protest follows speculation whether Meghan’s dad, Thomas Markle, will be allowed to see his grandchild. F4J says 1 million Grandparents are denied access to their Grandchildren in the UK (Centre for Social Justice, 2014) and over 3 million children live in fatherless homes (ONS 2010).

Said F4J Founder, Matt O’Connor, “If a Royal baby were to be denied access to either parent or Grandparent, this would set a damaging precedent and send a dangerous message to Mother’s everywhere that contact denial is not only acceptable, but endorsed by the Royal Family.”

“We must protect every child’s right to a Father and their Grandparents. Every Tom, Dick or Prince Harry should also take heed, because next time it could be them being denied contact to their child.”

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