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March 20th, 2019

F4J announce formation of CMS Focus Group at the DWP

Following a recent meeting at the Department of Work & Pensions regarding the Child Maintenance Service and a research project on the Social Security treatment of separated parents, F4J are pleased to announce the launch of a focus group to give a voice to non-resident parents, mostly fathers.

This focus group provides a rare opportunity for fathers to give direct feedback to the Social Security Advisory Committee which is conducting research into the financial position of separated parents and the social security system.

The research project will have a focus on non-resident parents given the limited research on this group and will consider the impact of the benefit and tax system on living standards of separated parents.

The focus group will be held between 6-7.30pm on Wednesday 24th April in central London.

There are a limited number of spaces available for non-resident parents to attend. If you would like to be considered, please email a very brief summary of your case and your contact details to [email protected] with the word ‘FOCUS GROUP’ in the heading. All enquires must be sent no later than Friday 12th April.

Said F4J founder Matt O’Connor who attended the meeting; “This focus group offers non-resident fathers a rare opportunity to give direct testimony about their experiences of the CSA and Child Maintenance Service directly to the Social Security Advisory Committee.”

“Equality of treatment and benefits must be at the heart of any meaningful reform of our dysfunctional and broken child support system.”

Watch Matt O’Connor’s announcement at the DWP here:

If you would like to provide evidence directly to the Social Security Advisory Committee you can do so here:

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