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April 8th, 2016

Filming at London: The Fatherless Capital Meeting 27/4/16

This is to notify those attending the public meeting “London: The Fatherless Capital” that this event may be filmed by several media / documentary outlets.

The meeting, which will debate fatherlessness, family law and gang crime in the capital, has several speakers including George Galloway, Matt O’Connor (founder, Fathers4Justice), Mo George (Ex-Eastenders), John Waters (Irish Writer & Playwrite) and Vincent McGovern (Fathers Rights Campaigner).

Please note that to attend this event you must register for tickets at Eventbrite:

If you would like to share your story and be interviewed before the event (see below) we ask that you attend the venue for 6.00pm as the meeting begins at 7.00pm sharp.

Tina Rayburn and Timothy Forder, authors of the practical guide for dads – I WANT TO SEE MY KIDS! are making a new documentary about families torn apart by divorce and separation.

Tina and Tim have followed Fathers4Justice since its inception and have been researching the subject of fatherless families and the plight of dads for many years.  This is intended to be a definitive film on the issues raised by the current breakdown of the family, the bias against dads seeking a meaningful role in the upbringing of their children and the workings of the family court system.

Tina and Tim will be filming at the public meeting, London: The Fatherless Capital and would be interested to hear from young separated dads, grown up children who were deprived of their father and parents currently going through the family courts.

If you are interested in being interviewed on the evening please email:


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